
Хүний нөөцийн сонгон шалгаруулалт

Job advertisement: Procurement expert for Implementation Consultancy (IC) of Biodiversity and Adaptation to Climate Change project


Job advertisement: Procurement expert for Implementation Consultancy (IC) of Biodiversity and Adaptation to Climate Change project

 The Biodiversity and Adaptation to Climate Change project is being implemented by the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change from 2020 to 2027 under the Government of Mongolia and Federal Republic of Germany’s financial cooperation  through the KfW Development Bank. The project aims at strengthening the sustainable and effective management of selected PAs and larger adjacent/ connecting areas (incl. buffer zones and eco-corridors, clusters), while also supporting sustainable and alternative livelihoods of local communities.  

The main purpose of the assignment is to provide expertise, guidance and support of IC and PIU on procurement related tasks under BACCP II/III. The main tasks of the expert shall be as follows: 

  • The IC requires a long-term position aimed at supporting the PIU in the further improvement of procurements / tender preparation (quality and time-efficiency). Main tasks of the expert shall include:  
    • Participation in and contribution to the preparation of tender documents and quality control (four eyes principle). It must be ensured in close cooperation with the PIU, that the documents are always checked by this position before they are sent to KfW for approval,
    • Adhering to KfW Procurement guidelines for Procurement of Goods, Works and associated with services in Financial Cooperation with Partner countries and Mongolian law for purchasing contracts of goods, works and services with state and local properties.
    • Contribution to the improvement of tender procedures (preparation of tender documents, assessment of proposals, preparation of contracts etc.),
    • Cooperation and quality management in the preparation of reports (e.g. tender evaluation reports),
    • Support for the IC experts and the PIU in monitoring the implementation of Procurements,
    • Facilitation and support of regular meetings between PIU, IC, KfW and MET to discuss current and upcoming procurements, progress and related issues,
    • Participate in Technical Evaluation Commitee meetings for Tenders and report to CTA and DCTA,
    • Contribute to the BACCP II/III quarterly and half year report on procurement progress and issues,
    • Assess capacity building needs and develop simple training material for procurements and carry out the training.
    • Archive and keep track on any relevant documents related to procurement processes in which consultation or other support (including translation) from IC side is involved;

 Required qualifications, skills and expertise:

  • A Master's degree in law, finance, social or environmental science,
  • At least 5 years of experience with donor-funded project(s) implemented between Government of Mongolia and Donor(s) or with foreign-invested company,
  • Strong oral and written English language proficiency in a professional environment (please attach a TOEFL or IELTS score, if available),
  • Proven understanding and knowledge of the procurement laws and regulations of the Government of Mongolia as well as other international procurement practices, guidelines and procedures,
  • Demonstrated international and national training in procurement,
  • A valid procurement certificate- A3,
  • Computer proficiency in MS Office,
  • Effective organization and time management skills with the ability to work under pressure.


Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interview.

Contact information:

Telephone: 976-70116901

12th floor, Room #1201

Khan-Uul tower, 3th Khoroo, Khan-Uul District, Sharav.B St. 6, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
